Definition: JING is the skill of being able to vary and/or adjust the amount of ones force, speed and direction(power) in relation to that of ones opponent.

            For example, when you are trying to push a basketball down under the water you just don't push in one direction at one speed.  By using your fingers and hand, you adjust your force, speed and direction to "play" with those of the ball.  another way to describe JING is "skilled power" (power is equal to force x distance divided by time).  Varying any or all of these three will increase or decrease the amount of power generated.  For example, a tiger can crush a bone with its jaws, but it can also vary this power to be delicate enough to pick up its cub.  This is an example of JING.  A forklift, although powerful enough to pick up a car, is unable to be sensitive enough to pick up a needle.  It Has plenty of power but no JING.  By nature humans are more skillful in varying their power than a forklift but this is still not JING.  However, when a person is trained to be able to vary their power as needed-this is JING.  The individual now possess energy that is trained, so it can be controlled and changed at will.  This is the kind of power that we use in Tai Chi.

Definition: The word TING refers to the skill / attribute ? quality of "listening to" JING.  TING is how you listen.

            This listening is not done with your ears or eyes but with your body (5 stickness).  As soon as contact is made you have to feel your JING in order to determine the amount of force and speed you should use so you can redirect the energy.

            There are various ways of redirecting your opponents power.  Most martial artists do not let you invade their territory which is a specific area surrounding their body.  In Tai Chi the redirection of power is done differently.  The individual does not need to protect the entire area around their body.  In beginning levels, a triangle is formed from their extended joined hands to their shoulders.  As the individual gets better, the next stage is to ward off the attack with smaller movements of their hands and arms while being sure to turn their bodies.

            In TING "listening" JING the first thing to be aware of is the opponents strength.  The second thing, is the direction / angle of the opponents applied force (up, down, etc.).  The third thing is the speed at which this force is delivered.  (These three components are what make up the opponents power.)  And remember, when the word "listen" is used in TING "listening" JING its real meaning is to feel.

            In addition to the above, advanced students, when listening, also have to find the center of gravity.  For the MORE advanced students, they also have to be aware of the weak point and the center point of all parts of their opponents body.  At these high levels while yielding, you are "listening" and while absorbing, you are attacking.

            By understanding the set you learn where the opponents energy comes from thereby enabling yourself to stop it before it  comes out.  When one is at the level of a Master, even before the opponent moves, the Master can "feel " the intention thereby enabling slow hand to beat fast hand.  You have to know your chess game - you have to know your soldiers.  No other martial art has this.